Japan Association of Corporate Directors Announces Its Corporate Governance of the Year 2023 Prize Winners

January 11, 2024

In Recognition of Distinctive Corporate Governance

Grand Prize Company

Ebara Corporation

Winner Company

Ajinomoto CO., INC.

Seiko Epson Corporation

Tokyo Governor Prize for Corporate Governance of the Year

Sekisui House, Ltd

METI Minister's Award for Corporate Governance of the Year

Mani INC.

Japan Association of Corporate Directors (Chairman: Kazuhiko Toyama, Group Chairman of IGPI Group and CEO of JPiX.), the independent organization for the board and directors, dedicated to promoting excellence in governance and directorship, has announced its Corporate Governance of the Year Prize winners 2023.

The committee decided that the Grand Prize goes to Ebara Corporation.

Kunio Ito, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University, Selection committee member comments on the Grand Prize winner, "Supervisory dysfunction as a trigger, the company initiated a 'defensive' governance reform, which led to the inclusion of independent directors and the transition to a company with committees. The company then moved its focus to 'offensive' governance, introducing ROIC management and developing ROIC for intellectual property and ROIC for production. The process is exactly 'Governance (to) Value' approach. This is a symbolic case in which both management and governance have achieved results due to the 'hands-on' implementation skills."

Tokyo Governor Prize has been established to praise a company which has excellent corporate governance and practices ESG activities such as environmental activities, women empowerment, and initiatives for diversity.

METI Minister's Award was newly established to recognize a company particularly in appraisal of selection and succession of presidents and CEOs, the planning of which are fundamental for corporate governance.

Corporate Directors Corporate Governance of the Year 2023

The awards go to the companies which have achieved and maintained long term profitability by implementing good corporate governance with the goal of revitalizing the Japanese economy, since 2015.

Endorsed by Financial Services Agency, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Justice, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Stock Exchange/Japan Exchange Group, The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JAPAN), IR Association of Japan and Asian Corporate Governance Association.

Corporate Governance of The Year Flipp Book