JACD Hosts Corporate Governance of the Year®2024 Awards Ceremony

January 30, 2025

The award ceremony was held at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo on January 30,2025.


Governor of Tokyo Award Mr. Takao Wada, President and CEO of Persol Holdings Co., Presenter Ms. Akiko Matsumoto, Deputy Governor of Tokyo (left)


Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award, Mr. Hisashi Nara, Director, President and CEO, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Presenter, Mr. Akira Kato, Parliamentary Secretary,
Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry(left)


Mr. Kazuhiko Toyama, Chairman of JACD, Grand Prize Company, Mr. Takahito Tokita, President and CEO, Fujitsu Limited, Grand Prize Company, Ms. Ayano Senaha, Director, Managing Executive Officer and COO, Recruit Holdings Co. and Mr. Atsushi Saito, Chairman of the Selecting Committee.(from left to right)