Dialogue between ICGN and JACD

Dialogue between ICGN and JACD - Women directors and sustainable growth of companies
(Hosted by Japan Association of Corporate Directors)

As a follow-up to the recommendations on gender diversity published in February 2023,
JACD members exchanged views online with Ms.Kerrie Waring,CEO of ICGN.

Moderator Ms. Yoshimi Nakajima, Leader, Female working group of JACD and director, Sekisui house Ltd.

Presentation by JACD
Ms. Sakie Tachibana Fukushima, Vice Chair of JACD and President and Representative Director, G&S Global Advisors Inc.
'Opening Remarks'
Mr. Hideaki Tsukuda, Chair of Director Training Committee, JACD and CEO and a founder of Board Advisors Japan.
'D&I in Japan'
Ms. Mariko Ohsato, CEO Arc communications Inc. and director, Nihon M&A Center HD.
'Women in Japanese Companies and Request to ICGN'

Presentation by ICGN
Ms. Kerrie Waring, Chief Executive Officer, International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
'ICGN and JACD Female Directors and Sustainable Growth of the Company'
Ms. Gillian Kettaneh, Senior Investment Stewardship Manager, Corporate Governance, Norges Bank Investment Management
'Responsible investment in Japan Government Pension Fund Global'
Ms. Aina Fukuda, Head of Japan Investment Stewardship, Legal & General Investment Management Japan KK
'JACD/ICGN Board diversity dialogue'

Discussion including Q&A
Ms. Kanako Kuroda, CEO, WOMAN COLLEGE Inc., Director, Miyoshi Oil & Fat Co., Ltd. and Professor, Taisho University